Thursday, August 2, 2012

Vance's Dying Earth, Reference Notes - Pg#9

(Cobalt Mountains) - [PLC]
Others tossed darts at the spread-eagled body of a young Cobalt Mountain witch.

(Dance of the Fourteen Silken Movements) - [FEST]
In a little cleared space a garlanded courtesan of the Kachique littoral danced the Dance of the Fourteen Silken Movements to the music of flutes.

(Deodand) - [MON]
In the shadow of a balcony a girl barbarian of East Almery embraced a man blackened and in a leather harness as a Deodand of the forest.


On a terrace some stood looking into a sunken pool where a pair of captured Deodands, their skin like oiled jet, paddled and glared...

(Dying Earth) - [PLC]
They were gay, these people of waning earth, feverishly merry, for infinite might was close at hand, when the red sun should finally flicker and go black.

(East Almery) - [PLC]
The streets surged with the wine-flushed populace, costumed in a multitude of bizarre modes... In the shadow of a balcony a girl barbarian of East Almery embraced a man blackened and in a leather harness as a Deodand of the forest.

(Fire-flies, blue) - [MON]
From the balconies dangled flower chains and cages of blue fire-flies.

(Kaiin, City of) - [TWN]
...It was night in white-walled Kaiin, and festival time. Orange lanterns floated in the air, moving as the breeze took them. From the balconies dangled flower chains and cages of blue fire-flies. The streets surged with the wine-flushed populace, costumed in a multitude of bizarre modes.


...At a tavern he refreshed himself with biscuits and wine; then he made for the palace of kandive the golden.

(Kaiin, Lords of) - [ORG]
Through the arcade he slipped into the grand salon where the lords of Kaiin made merry like the throngs of the street.

(Kandive the Golden, prince) - [NPC]
Name mentioned

(Kandive the Golden, prince - Palace of) - [CSTL]
The palace loomed before him, every window and balcony aglow with light.

...Through the arcade he slipped, into the grand salon, where the lords of Kaiin made merry like the throngs of the street. Turjan threaded the rainbow of silk, velour, sateen, watching the play with amusement. On a terrace some stood looking into a sunken pool...

...In alcoves beflowered girls offered synthetic love to wheezing old men, and elsewhere others lay stupified by the dreampowders. Nowhere did Turjan find prince Kandive. Through the palace he wandered, room after room, until at last in an upper chamber he came upon the tall golden-bearded prince...

(Kauchique) - ?
The streets surged with the wind-flushed populace, costumed in a multitude of bizarre modes... In a little cleared space a garlanded courtesan of the Kachique littoral danced the Dance of the Fourteen Silken Movements to the music of flutes.

(Lanterns, Orange) - [ITM][SPL]
Orange lanterns floated in the air, moving as the breeze took them.

(Melantine) - [PLC]?
The streets surged with the wind-flushed populace, costumed in a multitude of bizarre modes. Here was a Melantine bargeman...

(Occupation) - [JOB]





(Pandelume) - [NPC]
Name Mentioned

(Phandaal's Mantle of Stealth) - [SPL]
So, uttering Phandaal's Mantle of Stealth, he faded from the sight of all men.

(Santanil) - [NPC]
Male resident of Kaiin

(Turjan of Miir) - [NPC]
Name Mentioned

(Valdaran's Green Legion) - [ORG]
The streets surged with the wind-flushed populace, costumed in a multitude of bizarre modes... here a warrior of Valdaran's Green Legion.

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